One decade pocket rosaries are prayed with the same sequence as a normal Rosary. It's just smaller to make it more portable. The prayers do not change.
Because you don't have the normal beads in the drop portion (the part below the centerpiece of a rosary), you can say those prayers at the centerpiece and then you use the 10 decade beads repeatedly, 5 times, for the 5 mysteries of the normal rosary prayers with Hail Marys etc.

- Start with the Crucifix. Do the sign of the cross and pray the Apostles Creed.
- At the centerpiece, Pray 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, and 1 Glory Be.
After that, you will move to the looped decade area and repeat #3 and #4 five times - one time for each of the 5 mysteries:
- Single Bead: Our Father prayer, Announce the Mystery, and pray the Glory Be.
- Then pray 1 Hail Mary on each of the 10 decade beads.
- After completing all 5 Mysteries, pray the finishing "Hail, Holy Queen" and finish with the sign of the cross.
WWI Battle Beads Pocket Combat Rosary available at